Tuesday, 4 March 2008

US Soldier throws puppy off cliff REMIX

US Soldier throws puppy off cliff REMIX

Re: US Soldier throws puppy off cliff

Re: US Soldier throws puppy off cliff





US Soldiers throw a puppy off a cliff in Iraq

US Soldiers throw a puppy off a cliff in Iraq



US Soldier Throws Puppy Off Cliff!

US Soldier Throws Puppy Off Cliff!

Sean Long Responses to US Soldier Throws Puppy Off Cliff

Sean Long Responses to US Soldier Throws Puppy Off Cliff

Arabs throw puppy off cliff, American soldier intercepts

Arabs throw puppy off cliff, American soldier intercepts

FAKE??? Soldier Throws a Puppy off cliff

FAKE??? Soldier Throws a Puppy off cliff

US Soldier vs helpless puppy

US Soldier vs helpless puppy

Poor dog! soldier throws puppy off cliff

That scumbag is a real man he is.....that is humiliating that a US soldier would act like that.....I pray that he gets what is coming to him.
soldier throws puppy off cliff
Allow me to take a moment to think before I open the hole in my face.
*Thought for a moment*
Fuck that guy fuck him.
"call me bias but, when i was over there, nothing meant more to me than having the guy to my left and right make sure that he got to see his family again." I wasn't aware that being a good soldier and not throwing puppies off a cliff was mutually exclusive. Just because you go to Iraq, doesn't mean you get a throw puppies off a cliff card. You did your time, deal with it. I ain't gonna cry for you or that asshole.
This is from his sister Kathleen Motari's blog which I found on google. After reading some uber-patriotic crap about how she thinks the pledge of allegiance should be mandatory. I found this post she wrote about the marines, I found this excerpt interesting. I can only assume that she is talking about her brother.

"The Marines may be all about work but they have fun as well. A graduate from MHS joined the Marines right out of high school. They were stationed in Hawaii doing missions up in the mountains when they got hungry. They came out of the woods and found a house and took down the address to call a pizza place. The delivery man didn’t want to come all the way up there because it was really far. Finally they convinced him to. The Marines waited in the trees and bushes until the pizza man came. When the delivery man pulled up, all the Marines jumped out of the bushes with their face paint on and their guns. The pizza man was too scared to get out of the car! They gave him an extra tip for going through the hassle to go that far. So after, they hopped back in the bushes and ate their pizza!"

So after they made the pizza guy drive further than he wanted, they jump out of trees with machine guns and scare the shit out of him. That must be as much fun as throwing puppies off of cliffs.

us soldier throws puppy

I'm not surprised.

What do you expect. We train these young kids to be killers, to grow cold to death and destruction. To value team above all else. They get paid to kill things and break stuff.

Armies rape, pillage, loot and steal.

us soldier throws puppy

I feel bad for the little dog, but how many people have been killed, injured or violated in some way?

That's why in my eye bringing a country to war is the most serious decision that a president can make.

walden3 you can't blame the whole, for the actions of a sick few. These two putrid vermin are the exception, not the general rule.

this evil behavior

but it is certainly not more evil than the the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people during an illegal war which serves only to empower oil barons and the military industrial complex.

but somehow, decrying those terrible human deaths is called unpatriotic, and suggesting that it should stop is called abandoning our troops. as those mother weep over their dead children.

but yeah, the poor puppy.

Sadly, I have to agree with you.

The thing about being in a war situation is that there is no room for objectivity. The obscene may approach a normalcy in time to some. Violence begets violence. Look at all the mass shootings that we are seeing in the U.S. It wouldn't surprise me if this was a trickle-down effect from years exposure to all war, all the time in the media. Our govt. sees fit to kill a few hundred thousand innocent Iraqis, so what's a few college students, or Wendy's patrons? With an easy access to weapons, and the example set by our govt., The disgruntled make the news.

us soldier throws puppy

You don't know that it was or wasn't "staged".

The Marine Corp IS investigating --


"Officials at Marine Corps Base Hawaii issued a statement condemning the video."

"The video is shocking and deplorable and is contrary to the high standards we expect of every Marine," the statement said.

"This video came to our attention this morning, and we have initiated an investigation. We do not tolerate this type of behavior and will take appropriate action."

But even if it WAS staged, it is NOT funny.

Anyone who even PRETENDS to KILL an innocent puppy is sick and/or dangerous and needs help and also needs to NOT be on active duty in a war zone.

You don't know that it was or wasn't "staged".

The Marine Corp IS investigating --


"Officials at Marine Corps Base Hawaii issued a statement condemning the video."

"The video is shocking and deplorable and is contrary to the high standards we expect of every Marine," the statement said.

"This video came to our attention this morning, and we have initiated an investigation. We do not tolerate this type of behavior and will take appropriate action."

But even if it WAS staged, it is NOT funny.

Anyone who even PRETENDS to KILL an innocent puppy is sick and/or dangerous and needs help and also needs to NOT be on active duty in a war zone.

bebo us soldier throws puppy off cliff

I hit the back button before it started playing.

I should imagine that they will get some retribution one way or another without us having to get tainted too.

bebo us soldier throws puppy off cliff

Throw THEM off a cliff!

Even if this is a fake those two should get in trouble. That was NOT funny.

BTW, I thought we had sent adult men over there to fight and help that country not children doing stupid childish stunts.

Good Grief, If there's nothing better to do over there than to throw puppies over a cliff why are they still there.

Oh and how many kids will see this and because a soldier throws a puppy over a cliff that makes it ok to do the same thing or worse to other animals.

bebo us soldier throws puppy off cliff

This wasn't fake, didn't you hear the dog yelping as it went down? Disgusting display of cruelty, thanks BB for the heads up.

That was real.

I am so glad I didnt have my sound on, this is sickening, I hope they rot for this!!

What kind of enjoyment can ANYONE get from something like that?

I couldn't even get myself to watch it. I know I would throw up if I witnessed anything like that. WHY! WHY?



Sickening.................. put them away for a long time...yeah, I support our troops...I NEVER support crap like that.


The soldier should be hung

This soldier's name, home address, future vaction plans,...etc are plastered across the Web. May god help him.

Guys, GITMO? You want them to serve their time at a much worse place. Say Leavenworth, the military section. Where there are no bars, strictly lines painted on the floor. Cross them and, well you'll never have to worry about crossing them a second time.

Disgusting. That is the type of behavior experts say is prevelant in future serial killers. And this psycho will be here and living amongst in the near future. Comforting isn't it.

And Bush used to blow up frogs with firecrackers.

I wouldn't doubt it,nor put it past him.

You don't mean Frenchmen do you.

I thought neither one of them fought

bebo us soldier throws puppy off cliff

And Frist used to "adopt" cats to kill when he was a grown man--not a child. Bunch of psychos all need to be tossed off a cliff.

But: why such an amount of cruelty?...It's unworthy! He doesn't deserve wearing his Uniform. He should be excluded from the Army.

us soldier throws puppy off a cliff

Their actions are disgusting.

If those 2 soldiers will do that to animals, what are they doing to human beings???

They ABSOLUTELY need to be reprimanded or punished.

This is what happens when there's no children around to rape.

Repremanded? They should be given dishonorable discharges and stripped of future benefits... unless someone here thinks that this is the action of an honorable person, which wouldn't surprise me.

Oh, but wait, I'm sure someone will say they're heroes, right?


They should be put up against the wall and SHOT! Those miserable pieces of @#$%&!

& PHB? Don't paint the canvas with a WIDE brush ok? Try to be a little more openminded. You really think ALL soldiers are like those two pieces of puke?

do you know if these useless pieces of ****** will be prosecuted?

that was f-ing gruesome. what a shame they are wearing american uniforms.

Absolutely bizarre; future stalkers and serial killers?

At minimum they need to be pulled from the unit and put under psyche observation for a poss psyche eval and discharge.